funny and cute photo illustrations by Clara Desda

funny and cute photo illustrations by Clara Desda

Professional graphic designer and illustrator who based in Berlin, Clara Desda spent her childhood in Madagascar which fed her imagination with its various colors, plants and animals.

Then she moved from Tuscany to Rome then London and Berlin to gain a different view on life and nurture her artistic skills. Clara enjoys creating lovely drawings that interact with everyday objects and turning them into small foto illustrations.
funny and cute photo illustrations by Clara Desda

funny and cute photo illustrations by Clara Desda

funny and cute photo illustrations by Clara Desda

funny and cute photo illustrations by Clara Desda,Released at 04:46, is a creative art origami that is worth using as a reference for anyone who needs,as teaching material for kids and for your knowledge,this origami flower easy blog is just to inform that the work of art origami like this ever existed and ever made. The Category are examples of Easy Origami that can be made in reference: